Mint Party

Unveiling the treasures of the Mythical land to unlock a myriad of rewards:

The Cronos Gems featuring a total of 3,333 lands across three territories, each boasting six captivating Mythical lands. Explore the magic within 18 Mythical lands spanning the entire collection.

  • 1000 CRO Reward: Find the Mythical land during the minting event and claim a 1000 CRO reward as a tribute to your remarkable discovery.

  • Higher Staking Yield: Earn more $Gems during staking as you secure a Mythical land.

  • Extra Earnings In-Game: Reap the benefits of extra earnings in the game, solidifying your status as a legendary landowner.

  • Access to Premium DAO Room: Gain entry to our premium DAO room, where you'll enjoy special privileges and unique opportunities within our thriving community.

Minting Rewards

  • Top Minters: The top 10 minters will seize a share of 20,000 Cro + $GEMS.

  • 3% Mint Royalties Share: The earlier you mint, the more rewards you earn. For instance, if you're the first to mint, you'll secure a share of 3% from the next 3,332 mints.

  • NFTs Raffle: We'll purchase NFTs on the Cronos Chain and raffle them off to minters. Each minted NFT equals one entry.

  • CRO Pool Stake: Cro pool stake is designed to reward our holders as an incentive. It will commence after 30% of the total minting is completed.

Last updated